Surveillance on the Coliform Group in Ballast Water of Entry Ships at Qinhuangdao Port 秦皇岛港入境船舶压舱水大肠菌群监测报告
Preliminary study on the species composition and abundance of phytoplankton and affecting factors in ballast water of ships from outside Fujian, China 福建外来船舶压舱水中浮游植物种类组成与丰度及其影响因素的初步研究
In ballast ( of a ship); carrying only ballast bilge and ballast general service pump (指船)仅装有压舱物的.舱底水和压载水通用泵
No, but we can pump in ballast water while discharging the cargo to keep the ship well balanced. 不,但我们在卸货时可以泵入压载水,以使船舶得到良好平衡。
As rust converter/ anticorrosive in ballast tanks, bilges, cofferdams etc. 因其锈蚀转化/抑制作用,适用于压载水仓、底仓、围堰等。
General Average Regarding Vessel in Ballast and not under Charter 船舶空载不出租情况下的共同海损
Several Problems Concerning Sampling and Monitoring of Organisms in Ballast Water 船舶压载水中生物取样和检测的几个问题
Simulation of Rapid Inactivation of the Algae in Ballast Water Using Hydroxyl Radical 羟自由基快速灭活压载水中藻类模拟研究
At sea, meanwhile, on any day it is estimated that around 3000 species of aquatic animals and plants are being carried around the world in ballast. 然而据估计,海路上每天都有约3000种水生动物和植物混在船只的压舱物中周游世界。
Study on distributional characteristics of organisms in ballast water of exotic ships entering major ports of Fujian and its potential invasion threat 福建主要港口外轮压舱水生物的分布及其潜在入侵威胁
Effect of Heating on the Survival of Non indigenous Organisms in Ballast Water 加热法处理船舶压载水对外来生物存活的影响
At present, there isn't an effective treatment to control exotic invades species in ballast water. 当前尚无一种有效的治理压载水外来入侵有害生物的方法。
Conventional inductance type ballast will be washed out as its so many disadvantages, so electronic ballasts are taking the dominant status in ballast market gradually. 而传统的电感式镇流器因其诸多弊病将被逐渐淘汰,电子式镇流器以其强大的优越性能正不断占据镇流器市场的主导地位。
Effect of hydroxyl radical on three forms of nitrogen in ballast water 羟基对压载水中三态氮影响的实验研究
International Status of Research on Resolving Invasive Spread of Microorganism in Ballast Water 解决压载水微生物入侵性传播研究的国际动态
Study on Emptying Method in Ballast Water Exchange 船舶使用排空法更换压载水的研究
There were also about 10% savings of power in ballast condition. 在压载状态下也可获得10%左右的节能效益。
Because of alternation of dry and wet in ballast, its erosion is more intense than other structure; 由于压载水舱干湿交替的特点,使其与其他结构相比腐蚀更加强烈;
Typical application of gravity immersion in ballast water system 重力浸水在压载水系统中的典型应用
The emptying method is the most common application in ballast water exchange, but it is still not perfect so far. 排空法是船舶最常用的压载水更换方法,但目前这种方法还不尽完善。
The analysis shows that the sizes, shapes and boundary conditions of embankment impact substantially on triggering the natural convective effect in ballast embankment s. Pressure boundary conditions of ballast embankment are dependent on engineering conditions. 分析表明路堤尺寸、形状和边界形式对碎石路堤自然对流效应的发生有显著影响,需要根据具体工程要求来确定路堤的压力边界条件。
The Active Power Factor Correction Application in Ballast 电子镇流器中的有源功率因数校正电路
Study on the Killing of Microorganisms in Ballast Water with Hydroxyl Radical Produced by Strong Ionization Discharge 强电离放电制取羟基杀灭压载水微生物研究
The variation of resting cells-resting spores and cysts abundance in ballast water and sediment were first investigated. 首次对压载水及其沉积物中的休眠细胞&休眠孢子和孢囊的种类组成和丰度进行了调查研究。
A large number of marine organisms in ballast water is a global dissemination of damages about the marine biological diversity and ecological balance of coastal area. 大量的海洋生物随压载水在全球范围内传播,破坏了海洋生物的多样性及沿海的生态平衡。
Invasion of non-indigenous species transported in ballast water by marine vessels is one of the most serious problems which would cause severe ecological and economical impacts all over the world. 船舶压载水引起的外来物种的入侵是全世界面临的最严峻的问题之一,它对生态和经济都造成了很大的危害。
As an important aspect in basic research, seldom studies have yet been carried out on the en-route investigations of species and abundance of plankton in ballast water and sediments, especially for the voyages starting from ports in China. 而作为基础研究的重要内容,对船舶压载水及其沉积物中浮游生物种类组成和丰度变化规律的研究,尤其是对从中国海域加载的压载水研究依然匮乏。
In order to resolve this problem, many solutions have been discovered and utilized for the inactivation of invasive microorganisms in ballast water. 为了解决这个问题,很多学者提出了许多压载水微生物灭活的解决方案。
Not all ballast water and sediments contain rest cells of phytoplankton, and not all phytoplankton in ballast water will form rest cells, which means the forming process of rest cells in ballast water tank was a complicated process. 并不是所有航线中的压载水及其沉积物中都会有休眠细胞的存在,也不是所有航线压载水中的浮游植物都会产生休眠细胞,说明休眠细胞的产生是复杂的外界条件共同作用的结果。
The results showed that: The species and abundance of plankton in ballast water and sediments was mainly related with the area which the ballast water ballasting. 研究结果表明:压载水及其沉积物中的浮游生物种类组成和丰度主要跟压载水加载的海域中浮游生物的种类和丰度有关。